University of Washington fake Transcript

University of Washington fake Transcript
This is University of Washington fake Transcript, University of Washington transcript, University of Washington certificate, fake US transcript. The University of Washington (University of Washington) is a world-renowned top research university and one of the famous public Ivy League schools. It was founded in 1861 and has a history of more than 100 years. It is located in the most livable and working city in the United States. Seattle is also one of the oldest universities on the Pacific coast of the United States. Since 1974, the University of Washington has been the public university receiving the most federal research and development funding in the United States. The generous research funding has enabled the school to achieve many world-renowned academic and scientific research achievements. In addition to the huge funding from the U.S. federal government, the University of Washington also has huge private and corporate donations. Seattle-based Microsoft Corporation, Boeing Corporation, and Amazon Corporation have long funded the academic research of the University of Washington in computer, informatics and natural sciences. Bill Gates, president of Microsoft Corporation, and Paul Allen (co-founders of Microsoft Corporation) have long supported the University of Washington, the law school building is donated in the name of Bill Gates’ father, and the Mary Gates Building is named after Bill Gates The computer engineering building was donated in the name of Paul Allen. The total R&D expenditure of the University of Washington has long been among the top three universities in the world, and has always been higher than that of Harvard University, Stanford University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge University and Oxford University.
The University of Washington leads the world in medicine, life sciences, computer science, physics, mathematics, statistics, education, public relations, social work and marine science. It has world-class medical schools, business schools, law schools, engineering schools, education schools, fine arts schools, music schools, information science schools, and marine science schools. The University of Washington has trained a large number of world-class medical scientists, computer scientists, life scientists, physicists, mathematicians and aerospace design and manufacturing scientists and other outstanding talents.